Explore essential information regarding patient-related matters
Access and download critical forms, review detailed guidelines, and understand essential procedures. Get all the necessary details below:
All forms must be completed and signed by all parties as appropriate. The doctor must sign the doctor’s required forms, comments, and stamps, as applicable. Medical-related or Other-related forms can be emailed or delivered in person. Please follow the instructions below:
- Other-Related Email: hr@serentityhca.com
- Medical-Related Email: medical@serentityhca.com
- In-Person: 60-85 Myrtle Avenue, Ridgewood, NY 11385
Medical Forms | Other Forms |
1. DOH Form | 1. NYIA Assessment Request Form |
Medical Forms |
1. DOH Form |
Other Forms |
1. NYIA Assessment Request Form |
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us. Our team is here to support you and ensure you have all the necessary information. 718-717-7426